

Enchanting Glass Designs mug

Process of Designing and making a bespoke piece of art for your home

Together we will come up with the perfect piece for your kitchen/bathroom or even your lounge/dining room in fact anywhere in your home that you would love to see your very own unique piece of fused glass artwork.

How is this achieved? 

I love to spend time with my clients discussing their likes, dislikes, and any ideas that they may already have! But by talking ideas through together and by building a relationship with my clients we will discover the perfect unique design. To help with this process it is best for me to visit the location of where the piece is to be situated we will then together come up with the perfect piece in keeping with your lifestyle and your preferences.

Once the idea has been agreed upon, I will draw out the design and help you to envisage what the piece is going to look like for size and positioning in place. A mock up of colour palettes will be pulled together and only then will we agree on the final specifications for your splashback.

Some clients like to continue to be part of the creation process and this can be achieved by coming and joining me working on the piece in my workshop. This is completely optional as it is my job to go away and transform your ideas into a wonderful wow factor for your home.

I hand cut all of the glass required to complete the project and pull the whole thing together this can take anywhere between 1 to 3 days depending on the complexity before it is put into the kiln. The kiln firing itself can take up to 2 days to ensure that the glass is fully annealed and safe for use.

The end to end process therefore from design to completion can be anything from 2 weeks up to 6 week’s maximum assuming glass is in stock.

Enchanting Glass Designs project 1

Why choose a bespoke fused glass piece of art?

Fused glass is a great medium to use as a splashback, the colours in the glass will never fade as they are all made from glass, there is no painting on the back of the glass as there is with many mass manufactured splashbacks.

The designs are created using many layers of glass, glass powders, copper and silver foils and all are fired in specialist kilns to over 800˚C. 

The glass is easy to clean and look after.

The Splashback is easy to install, and installation is included within our prices.

It provides a fantastic talking point at any kitchen party!

Prices start from £650 depending on size and design of piece.

Enchanting Glass Designs project 2

Design Process

I visited my clients in their home to get an idea of what they were looking for and where the piece was going to be situated.  It helps me to get inspiration from their surroundings and gave me an idea of their tastes and styles. For example I noticed that where the piece was going to be was surrounded by windows overlooking their garden which had curved paths not straight ones hence waves included in the design.

We discussed colours and thoughts on how to display the piece and I came away with an understanding and agreement of what we thought would be good samples for us to make as a starting point.

I gave the clients 4 sample tiles and we discussed the best options.  Made another sample based on feedback and then had our final remit for the large panel 900mm x 350mm to be made.

I then started on the project hand cut thousands of pieces of glass and worked on my design bringing all of the wishes together to form this stunning piece of art. Overall making process took about 10 days to complete although spread out over a few weeks due to teaching commitments too but this is a good way for me to approach large pieces as I get more inspiration as I work on it at different times.

The piece was then in the kiln for nearly 60 hours to ensure it’s as safe as it can be.

Here’s a picture of the piece installed and there is a testimonial from my client included on this website.  Hopefully this has given you an insight into how all of our pieces of art are handmade.